
It's Time to Start Your Adventures

Let us curate an adventure to our island’s cultural and natural resources through sustainable world-class trails!


The most crucial step of trail building is trail planning. Trail planning takes the vision of a trail or trail system and highlights the many opportunities the land offers. It incorporates various data sets and stakeholder input. The planning phase ultimately develops and delivers a harmonious outcome between the many invested communities in a trail project while keeping sustainability at the forefront of the plans.


The design phase takes the information gathered from planning and adds the details, translating to the trail experience. Because land differs throughout various regions and zones in which we work, each design process is unique and site-specific. This allows us to align a trail through the varied landscapes creatively. This template then becomes our guide for trail construction.


Trail construction is the step in which the planning and design physically meet the landscape. It is the stage in which we move dirt and turn the trail vision into a reality. The process includes corridor clearing, which opens the avenue for the beginning of construction. We use various tools and techniques to curate the trail for long-term success and sustainability without compromising a great trail experience.


We build trails sustainably for the long term but recognize that no trail can go maintenance-free. Because of this we offer trail maintenance. From maintaining trails we have built to trails built by others, we can offer our expertise.

Reroute and Reclaim

Trail reroutes and reclamation help eliminate non-sustainable sections of trail that threaten the ecology and hydrology of the landscape. Reroutes connect sustainable portions of trail to each other while trail reclamation aims to restore native vegetation and hydrology of the land.

Why Guahan Trail Stewards (GTS)

As Guam’s first trail advocacy and sustainable trail-building organization, we bring professional knowledge and experience to outdoor recreation on the island. We prioritize sound environmental practices and sustainable development at the forefront of our mission to serve Guam and its people. Our love for the outdoors drives our mission to responsibly create trails that will last for generations while ensuring sustainability and ecological harmony between man and nature.